Court Approves Settlement of Class Action Against The Toronto-Dominion Bank

We have previously written about court decisions that related to settlement of class actions, but the recent case of Dufault v. The Toronto-Dominion Bank provides additional guidance on when a court is likely to approve a proposed settlement. Class Action Relates to NSF Fees Allegedly Charged By TD Bank The class action in Dufault related […]

Class Proceedings Expected to Surge When Courts Resume in Full

As the widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt across Canada, even as some restrictions are starting to lift in each province, legal experts and courts alike are bracing themselves for a surge of class proceedings. A recent article by the CBC points to the fact legal trends in Canada tend to […]

The High Cost of a Stalled Class Proceeding

Aut perspiciatis molestias exercitationem pariatur aut iste sunt laboriosam consequatur dolorem voluptas dolores nobis in voluptas in velit rerum amet quia veniam aut labore et officiis laborum consequatur ipsum sit velit repellendus quis reprehenderit vel adipisci quod dignissimos cumque repellendus perspiciatis sed ut atque earum aliquam et et facilis harum architecto est et sunt et vel itaque voluptatem nobis aspernatur et iste laborum consequatur rem consequatur molestias dolorem corporis ut ut est.

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