SCC Deems Uber Arbitration Clause “Unconscionable”

A few weeks ago, we wrote about the enforceability of arbitration clauses in various contexts. In that discussion, we mentioned an ongoing class action in Ontario called Uber Technologies v. Heller. At the time, the case was awaiting a decision from the Supreme Court of Canada with respect to the enforceability of an arbitration clause […]

The Enforceability of Arbitration Clauses in Ontario

Whether in a shareholder agreement or an employment contract, the enforceability and permissible scope of an arbitration clause have been hot topics in Ontario courts in recent years. Below, we will look at how the courts have interpreted these issues and what it means for arbitration clauses in contracts going forward. What is an Arbitration […]

The Arbitration Act, Stays & the Right to Appeal

The Arbitration Act of Ontario, in section 7, provides a mechanism to stay actions brought where the action’s subject matter is to be decided by arbitration pursuant to an agreement to do so made by the parties. Exceptions, in whole or in part, to the rule are provided in the statute at sub-sections 7(2) to […]

Do Courts Have the Discretion to Override Arbitration Clauses?

Contracting parties normally have their remedy for breaches through the court process. However, they may agree in advance to have any differences that arise resolved through mandatory and binding arbitration. Section 7(1) of the Ontario Arbitration Act (the “Act“) allows a party of such an agreement, if the other commences a lawsuit, to apply to […]

Recent Uber Decision Revisits The Use of Arbitration Clauses

With Heller v. Uber Technologies Inc., the Ontario Court of Appeal (ONCA) kicked 2019 off with a decision that will likely have long-lasting implications beyond the parties involved. The case scrutinized an arbitration clause included in all agreements that Uber has with its drivers (who the company also claims are independent contractors, not employees). The ONCA ruled that […]

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