(416) 916-1387
Appellate Litigation

Recent Case Considers Lifting Stay of Proceedings Against Court-Appointed Receiver Manager

In the recent case of Intercity Realty Inc. v. PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc., the Ontario Superior Court…

Supreme Court of Canada Considers Fraud in the Context of Letters of Credit

We have previously written about letters of credit, which are common to financing transactions and…

Court Confirms Pleadings Are Merged in Consent Judgment For Purposes of Exceptions to Discharge From Bankruptcy

It is not unusual for judgment creditors to face the prospect of a bankrupt debtor. …

A Review of the Tort of Conspiracy

When creditors bring claims against corporate debtors, they sometimes face the prospect that the debtor…

Guarding Your Digital Fortress Against Data Scraping

On August 24, 2023, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, in conjunction with…

Consequences of Non-Compliance with a Mareva Order

Injunctive relief, such as a Mareva order, is powerful in civil litigation cases. This type…

Criminal Fraud, Civil Enforcement

In Ontario, fraud can be categorized into two main types: civil fraud and criminal fraud—the…

Claims For Fraudulent Conveyance Considering Rule 21 Motions

  The law of fraudulent conveyance in Ontario is a crucial area of law for…

The Civil Fraud Glossary: Commonly Used Terms

Civil fraud is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for individuals and businesses.…

Court of Appeal Clarifies Requirements to Assume Jurisdiction in Case with Multiple Defendants

When bringing a claim against a defendant for a civil matter such as fraud, it…