Desk with notebook and pen representing commercial real estate disputes

Court of Appeal Considers Exercise of Options to Purchase Commercial Properties

a photo shot that looks directly up at sklyine of office buildings

Court of Appeal Considers Whether An Open Building Permit Entitles A Party To Terminate An Agreement of Purchase And Sale

Aerial view of rural farmland, representing the doctrine of part performance in verbal land agreements

The Doctrine of Part Performance in Land Agreements

incandescent string light bulbs

Partners May Be Deemed To Owe Each Other Legal Obligations Even Within A Family Context

a restaurant with tables in a shopping plaza

Commercial Lease Termination: A Case Study

Yonge Dundas Square in Toronto, Ontario

An Update on the Law of Deposits in Real Estate Transactions

aerial view of the city of Toronto at dusk
, ,

A Review of the Law of Quantum Meruit

a wall of clocks

What is the Meaning of a “Time Is Of The Essence” Clause in an Agreement?

trees in a forest

Calculating Damages For A Failed Real Estate Purchase

Architectural drawings representing commercial real estate litigation

Certificate of Pending Litigation Denied in Partnership

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Scotia Plaza, 40 King St W #3602, Toronto, ON M5H 3Y2
Phone: (416) 916-1387 /