(416) 916-1387
Appellate Litigation

Toronto Litigators Handling Debt Collection Enforcement Claims

At Milosevic & Associates, our highly experienced debt collection lawyers represent creditors and debtors in debt collection matters in Ontario, across Canada and internationally. We understand the importance of swift, resourceful action where debt is involved. We can act quickly to secure assets, protect our clients, and ensure debt matters are handled efficiently and effectively.

Advising Creditors 

At Milosevic & Associates, we regularly help businesses take legal action to enforce payment of money owing to them. We advise businesses on the likelihood of recovery, help them review debtors history, and take steps to enforce both Ontario and foreign judgments including:

  • Conducting examinations in aid of execution
  • Garnishing wages and bank accounts
  • Obtaining writs of seizure and sale
  • Obtaining liens.

Where needed, we can obtain injunctions and other emergency measures to freeze a debtor’s assets, prevent funds from being moved or transferred, prevent real estate from being sold, and otherwise protect creditors.

For Exceptional Legal Guidance and Representation in Debt Collection Matters Contact Milosevic & Associates 

Contact Milosevic & Associates in Toronto for unparalleled representation in debt collection and enforcement of judgment matters. Our highly skilled team of collection lawyers will help find the most effective solution for you and resolve your issue positively and quickly. Our impressive track record speaks for itself.  Call us at 416-916-1387 or contact us online for a consultation.

Milosevic & Associates

116 Simcoe St #301
Toronto, ON
M5H 4E2

Phone: (416) 916-1387