The Oppression Remedy: An Overview

When corporate actions or decisions negatively impact those with interests in the corporation (including directors, officer, shareholders, creditors, and debtors) the affected parties may have grounds to request an oppression remedy. The oppression remedy focuses on the harm done to the legal and equitable interests of a wide range of stakeholders affected by alleged oppressive […]

A Cryptic Cryptocurrency Decision

Traditional currency (i.e. a formalized medium of value and exchange, in the form of paper or metal money, issued by governments) is a form of property at common law. There may be a dispute as to whether it is tangible, or intangible, property-but it is definitely a form of personal property. As such it can […]

Discoverability and Limitation Periods

Limitation periods and discoverability are fundamental concepts in any litigation, including, commercial litigation and appellate litigation. What exactly are these legal principles and why are they so important? Read on for a helpful guide. Limitation Periods Limitation periods are timelines imposed by parliaments in Canada through legislation. They set out the maximum time in which a legal […]

Mary Carter Settlements and Commercial Litigation

Settlements of civil actions, including commercial claims, are both judicially encouraged and desirable. They serve the public interest by unburdening the courts of cases to be tried thereby saving public money. They benefit the litigants who are spared the costs, both direct and indirect, of participating in a trial. They also provide a certainty of […]

Oppression Remedy or Derivative Action?

The Ontario Business Corporations Act (OBCA) and The Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) are both remedial statutes. They serve to regulate corporate behaviour but also to remedy some restrictive common law rules that applied to corporations. Two such remedies are the Oppression Remedy and, with leave of the court, The Derivative Action. To understand these […]

Hide & Seek – Piercing the Corporate Veil

Et voluptatum at corporis dolore voluptas aperiam ea quia ex quae qui aut quaerat distinctio eaque est dolores illum sed consequuntur id rerum dicta ut ut labore blanditiis voluptatem et est voluptatem enim ut assumenda repudiandae repudiandae dicta ipsam repellendus praesentium omnis sed totam veritatis ad rerum totam est ratione ad corrupti sunt velit vel ea accusamus omnis recusandae in ipsum libero ut odio consectetur reiciendis accusamus nisi et omnis officiis non rerum.

If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers

Ut deserunt exercitationem quia accusantium quis praesentium fugit laudantium illum sed non omnis delectus consectetur nemo consectetur ea fuga quis dolor dicta dolor voluptas eius labore hic id sit.

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